Tired of diets that don't work?
You want to love and nourish your body, ending the emotional and binge eating...
But getting there feels so hard...
You feel like you have tried everything and nothing works.
You’re afraid of giving up food rules because you don't want to gain weight.
You're sick of white knuckling it until the scale drops five pounds only to gain it right back.
You’re worried you'll either be on a diet or overweight forever.
You feel like your hunger is in charge of your life and you're never truly relaxed around food.
You're the perfect fit to work with me if:
You have tried lots of diets and nothing works to keep the weight off,
You have tried intuitive eating and gained a lot of weight,
You constantly think about food and weight. You are always hungry and you feel like if you ate enough to get full you'd gain a lot of weight,
You consider yourself an emotional or binge eater.